Got a blog? Link to our contest, using the following address:
and you can win one t-shirt and one underwear item. You get to choose the size and gender (choice of thong VS boxers).
The teesh will most likely be a red shirt, hand painted with special acrylic. (kinda like this). Unique design and durable, with some glow in the dark effects, you’ll love it. One of a kind, signed too.
1. Write a post about this contest, linking to the Contest’s URL. Let the world know! (Yeah we want the traffic and the backlinks, you’re on to us!)
2. Normally your link should automatically appear in the comments field, as a trackback. If it’s there, you’re in the contest. If it doesnt appear, your link doesn’t count, so let us know at richard.pidjin at – and we’ll validate it manually.
3. CAREFUL: don’t make the link to this page, or to our homepage – please use the bold URL above. (of course we dont mind if you link to our homepage too)
4. The contest ends Friday June 15th, when we close the trackback reception.
5. During the weekend, a random blog will be chosen as winner (using an online random number generator).
6. Sunday we announce the winner
7. Wear the tshirt & underwear, impress everyone.
1. We reserve the right to reject trackbacks from spam blogs, or blogs with inappropriate content
2. One trackback per blog only, please
3. We accept no responsibility. For anything. We’re World Enders